Inspiration awarded!

This morning, I was nominated by the wonderful and enthusiastic George Hayward for the Very Inspiring Blogger award ๐Ÿ™‚
And I noticed that the word ‘inspiration’ is present in only one of my 75 posts! :O (Of course, the word need not exist for the message to be inspiring, but isn’t it odd?!) So a special thanks to George for finding the inspiration in my expression. I wish you overflowing happiness!

My blog just turned a month old (yay!) and this is my second award,ย  I feel overwhelmed by the warmth of fellow bloggers ๐Ÿ™‚
A few days ago I read another blogger’s article about how they wondered if this award really existed, and that this was just a publicity stunt ๐Ÿ˜› And I smiled. What matters to me is not the physical existence of any of these awards, but the fact that a stranger in another part of the world actually took the time to become a part of your life and commend your efforts! ‘To drive traffic’ to the blog or not, to me this award means the acknowledgement that my presence in the virtual space is considered valuable.
We might not start off seeking validation, but a smiling face is a welcome sight no matter where you are ๐Ÿ™‚

Now for the rules to follow when nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this awardย and link to them.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination andย the awardโ€™s requirements.

7 things about me:

  1. Family & friends, food and fun (am blessed, my work is nothing but FUN) things that matter most to me.
  2. I’ve always lived one day at a time, but of late I am venturing into the ‘plan your life’ space. (suddenly I’m eligible for Life Insurance!)
  3. With food, there is only one thing I love more than eating…feeding people who love to eat! (no scarcity of such victims here)
  4. I have some f#@$ed up karma with shocking bolts of blessings from time to time, and I am grateful for it all.
  5. I believe the human spirit is capable of things the human body isn’t designed to handle, and yet, often, we all pull it off!
  6. I think ‘platypus’ is the weirdest word, and the most ‘in between’ thing in the animal world! (And I have often found it’s identity crisis relatable!)
  7. I have an endless supply of crackling laughter (which had taken a vacation for the past few months, but is now getting back on the job, thankfully!)


My nominations of 15 other bloggers for this award, congratulations, and thanks for writing! (for those do not like to accept awards, you need not pay it forward, that’s ok too!)

Some of these bloggers (may) have already received this award, but they inspire me so I’m gonna mention them ๐Ÿ™‚

The world could use more joy, and here are some people who, I believe, are pushing us towards a happier tomorrow. The links here will lead you directly to one of my fav articles written by these inspiring people. (And I’ve discovered some of them as recent as last night!)

  • Jump for Joy A photo project by Eyoalha Baker which captures mid-air moments of joy from all around the world! Her pics and quotes never fail to make me smile.
  • David Kanigan = simple words packed with inspiration!
  • Maxmillian Scott writes to remind โ€˜take time to breatheโ€™
  • Vegan chop and chat A beautiful veganโ€™s perspective on everything that matters.
  • Carolyn Baana, as a coach she speaks to the point, and I feel her lessons apply to more than one area in life.
  • The girl with the blog infectious madness, a reminder that it’s important to laugh (at oneself too) ๐Ÿ˜€
  • DIY confessions, 23 year old Ceara is a bundle of creativity, with a recipe for anything and everything (in and out of the kitchen) I wish I had her enthusiasm and patience!
  • Ido Lanuel’s ‘to be self aware’ online workshop is thought provoking, he practices what he preaches.
  • Eric Wang, a to-be pharmacist’s straightforward approach to demystifying health (and you know all our ailments start in the mind!)
  • Teresa a mother and grandmother, moved to another continent to be with the man she loves! Honest and loving, she dares to ‘float with the breeze’!
  • Lauren…a Mom whose hands turn orange sometimes, and she has come a long way!
  • Lisa Arends is a force to reckon with, her book was published just yesterday ๐Ÿ™‚ Its’ called “Lessons from the end of a marriage”

And these are the writers whose way with words inspires me!

  • Merlin Spielen plays with words with such ease! No matter what the emotion, he can stir it ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Clotildajamcracker As whacko as that name, she can write and write and write, and take you around the world (which is her childhood) and leave you with a smile that reaches beyond your ears! am eagerly waiting for her ‘funniest horror novel ever’!
  • With “The Caffeine Chronicles”ย  Neil G Tolentino makes words come alive! His style of writing is intoxicating.

Phew…this is a record, the longest article (or anything!) I’ve ever written ๐Ÿ˜€


25 thoughts on “Inspiration awarded!

    1. Ditto David ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for the inspiration! Sorry, haven’t come around to officially posting the link of your award on your blog yet!

  1. Congratulations on the award. A most excellent decision on the part George – for your words have been thoughtful and inspiring from your first post.

    Thank you for including me here. I have never thought of my posts as inspiring at all – just my own playing with words and feelings to make sense of my own world.

  2. I would like to learn from you how to be so inspiring! Congrautlations! I agree! Whether it’s real or not, the acknowledgment is the key thing!

  3. i don’t know with the others, but i’ll take it — that is if I can survive the mandatories ๐Ÿ™‚ i have only a handful of follows and followers because i just started commenting/following 3 days ago. i was also lucky to be included in another blog’s list for the same award so that makes it 2 in one day! the two of you made my day!

    i am really honored by the recognition. though the keypad hasn’t been exactly as prolific as i wanted, kind appreciation from friends bring me a word closer to a finished post. i want to thank you for that ๐Ÿ™‚ and you knowing my full name (spelled out in all its glory) and me clueless about yours, doesn’t change a thing :p

    appreciate it! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. what’s in a name said Kalidasa ๐Ÿ˜‰ hahaha! The pleasure is all mine and of course, Thank YOU for your words!

      1. hahaha, you really ought to read what you write a little more ๐Ÿ˜› (And I didn’t write your middle name!)

  4. Thanks for the nod. Not sure I deserve an award for my posts but you inspire me to keep pushing. Glad I sinspired you too. Congratulations to you on your award. ๐Ÿ™‚

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